Jumat, 14 Desember 2012


hand of killer stood since 24 sept,2012, originated from specialization to metal music and formed a group obsessed death metal band that we know today.

This band consists of 4 people:

 Voc : tommylie

Lead : aji gunawan
Bass : Theve fian
Drum : muse

begins with the drummer (muse) invites bassist (Theve) create a new project that wing death metal, then Theve invited the guitarist (aji) to close ranks.
then muse gives ultimatum to tommylie vocalist who used to fill a band called the PINTU NERAKA by force.
then we made ​​the decision to make the HAND OF KILLER as we shall live band. pray for us so that we can be a band of top musicians metal and drove go to international ^ _ ^

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